Enabling Dynamic Zoom Meetings

Ensure that you have your Zoom settings set to use dynamic links instead of using your PMI.

1) Go to your Evie dashboard. Under the Preferences menu, go to the 'Integrations' tab to make sure you've connected your Zoom account.


2) Once you've successfully connected your Zoom account, it will reflect as shown below:ZoomSettings2

To do a second confirmation, go to the 'Calls' tab to check under your Zoom field that it has been updated to 'Unique meeting links will be generated when calls have been confirmed'.

(You can also optionally set Zoom as your default call setting)


3) Go to your Zoom settings. Under Settings > Meeting > Schedule Meeting, you'll find these two settings:
i. Use Personal Meeting ID (PMI) when scheduling a meeting
ii. Use Personal Meeting ID (PMI) when starting an instant meetingZoomSettings5

4) Ensure to disable (greyed out) these options as shown below:


That's it! Evie should be populating a unique, one-time link each time a meeting is confirmed with your invitees.

If you still encounter issues, reach out to hello@evie.ai for support.


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